New on Gravatar: Collect Payments on the Go!


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Have you updated your free Gravatar profile page recently?

We are excited to announce the launch of new payment features on Gravatar profiles! 

Now, you can add verified payment links for PayPal, Venmo, and Patreon and share your cryptocurrency wallet addresses (Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and more). When someone looks at your profile on their phone, they’ll see a new button at the top to Send Money

A screenshot of the Gravatar profile in mobile view, showing a Send Money button and a Share Profile button.

A new Share Profile button also displays your unique QR code and a simple way to copy your link, allowing you to share your profile with others quickly.

Millions of people view Gravatar profiles every month. Keep your profile up-to-date and manage your online identity by adding verified links to the services you use, such as Instagram, Tumblr, GitHub, Mastodon, and more. Adding multiple payment options to your profile builds trust that those paying you know they have the correct account.

Gravatar is your personal digital business card. And now a one-stop place for those that need to send you payments.

2 responses

  1. suabahasa Avatar

    Is there a way to include a different payment method besides Patreon?
    Perhaps something similar to the flexibility of GitHub’s FUNDING.yml?


    1. Ronnie Burt Avatar

      We will take a look ๐Ÿ™‚ Appreciate the question!


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